
Studio Tuition and Payment Information

Tuition is due ON OR BEFORE the first lesson each month

  • Please pay using cash, Venmo (amynorton3) or personal checks (payment to Amy Norton)
  • Returned check fee is $25
  • Please pay on time!  If late payments are frequent, enrollment may be forfeited

Regular Lesson – $100/month = 30 minute private lessons (Level: Pre-Twinkle, Suzuki Book 1-2)

Extended Lesson – $150/month =  45 minute private lessons (Level: Suzuki Book 2-5)

Advanced Lesson – $200/month = 60 minute private lessons (Level: Suzuki Book 5-10)


  • 4 Private Lessons +  1 Group Lesson per month
  • 1 Recital per Semester  (Semesters are JAN-APR, MAY-AUG, SEP-DEC)
  • 1 Parent/Teacher Conference per Semester

NOT INCLUDED (but required) 

  • Accompanist Fee for Federation and Recitals ($5-20 per event)
  • Cost of instrument, repairs, music and repertoire, and personal practicing supplies (music stand, metronome, etc)

How to Address Missed or Canceled Lessons

Lessons that fall on holidays will be held at regular times or rescheduled in advance.

Make-Up Lessons

  • I do not offer make-up lessons due to illness, bad weather, unpreparedness, oversleeping, vacations, school plays or programs, family events, or other extracurricular activities.    
  • When you commit and enroll in the studio, you are expected to attend your assigned lessons.  
  • If you have a planned absence, you are encouraged to call other students in advance and find someone to trade with.  If you are unable to switch, then that lesson will be forfeited.  I can provide you with a studio phone number list.   
  • If I have any unforeseen circumstances that require canceling lessons (this can often happen due to performances & rehearsals), I will provide a make-up lesson opportunity for you.